Data Binding
DataBinding is a core concept for both NativeScript and Angular
frameworks. By default Data Binding
stands for a
connection (binding
) between
Data Model
(Model) and
User Interface
(UI). Since this
involves mostly data
we use
the term Data Binding
to denote such connection or
One-way vs Two-way data binding
There are several ways of data flows (data bindings).
- One-way data binding - The most popular way of binding from Model to UI. A good example of such binding is a text stored in Model and displayed on UI in a text area control.
- One-way to source (to model) - Binding which updates Model due to some action on UI. The best example for this is an event like button click (tap).
- Two-way data binding - Binding that combines both previous ways of binding. A typical example is a text box field that reads its value from Model, but also changes the Model based on user input.
The nativeScript-angular
plugin simplifies the way
which data binding will be used. NativeScript part of the
binding infrastructure is used to bind Model values to the real
native elements (Android and iOS). Angular part is used to
provide correct binding context, change detection and
notifications. Using data binding within NativeScript-Angular
application generally do not differ from a standard Angular web
Let's see some examples how to use data binding with
- One-way data binding - surround target (UI) property with square brackets
<Label [text]='model.mytext' ></Label>
this.model.mytext = 'Lorem ipsum ...';
// this is the component where label is added
- One-way to source data binding - surround source event with brackets
<Button (tap)='onButtonTap($event)'></Button>
onButtonTap(args: EventData) {
const button = <Button>args.object;
console.log('Button tapped');
// onButtonTap is a function inside component class where Button is placed
- Two-way data binding - surround target property with square and normal brackets
Before we can use the ngModel directive in a two-way data binding, we must import the NativeScriptFormsModule and add it to the Angular module's imports list:
import { NativeScriptFormsModule } from "nativescript-angular/forms" @NgModule({ imports: [ NativeScriptModule, NativeScriptRouterModule, NativeScriptFormsModule, // RIGHT HERE ], })
In Angular 1.x two-way data binding was the default way of
binding. However with Angular the state of
two-way data binding
is not the same - due to too
many performance problems caused by the uncertainty of what or
who caused the change of the value within Model which sometimes
results in way too many changes (and change notifications). So
Angular does not have two-way data binding by default, instead
it uses events to notify Model that something is changed.
<TextField [(ngModel)]='model.mytext'></TextField>
this.model.mytext = 'Lorem Ipsum ...';
There are some limitations when using two-way data binding with
Angular. Two-way binding is initialized with
directive instead of the name of the
property. This under the hood creates two simple data bindings
one-way and one-way to source:
<TextField [(ngModel)]='model.mytext' ></TextField>
<!-- becomes -->
<TextField [ngModel]='model.mytext' (ngModelChange)='model.mytext=$event' ></TextField>
This is the way Angular supports two-way data binding. It
generally works in almost all cases with the limitation that we
could use only one property with two-way data binding (in the
case of TextField this is the text
directive also provide an interface for
safely updating property in both directions. For all
NativeScript controls NativeScript-Angular
provides the underlying infrastructure to support native
controls via ngModel
directive (the same way as
Angular syntax). It is done by using a single value property for
every control that could be used with
syntax. Following is the list of available
- TextField, TextView, SearchBar - text property
- DatePicker - date property
- TimePicker - time property
- ListPicker, SegmentedBar - selectedIndex property
- Switch - checked property
- Slider - value property
Angular mustache ({{ }}
) syntax for binding a.k.a.
interpolation is also supported within a NativeScript-Angular
application. It's just another way of one-way binding placed in
the middle of a text.
<Label text='{{model.deliveryHour}}:{{model.deliveryMinute}}'></Label>
this.model.deliveryHour = 10;
this.model.deliveryMinute = 25;
Note: Notice that property
of the Label element in previous example is not surrounded by any brackets.
Data converters
Often data within Data Model is stored in a way that is
optimized for best performance of tasks like search, replace and
so on. Unfortunately, the way computers store data differs a lot
with a human readable format. Probably the best example is
Date object
. In JavaScript
actually is a very big number that represents
milliseconds from 01.01.1970 which does not speak much to any
human. Here comes the use of data converters which basically are
functions that formats the data (from Model) in a human readable
format (display in UI). Angular uses the same concept and names
it pipe
(like UNIX pipe) - value is passed to the
pipe function which transforms it and the final result is
displayed to the user. Using pipe
is simple and
with the same syntax like UNIX pipe.
<Label [text]='model.deliveryDate | date:"fullDate"' ></Label>
this.model.deliveryDate = new Date(2016, 2, 24);
// this will display Thursday, March 24, 2016 for en-US locale
Pipes, like pipes in UNIX, can be chained and used one after another, while each pipe receives the result of the previous pipe or the value of the property:
<Label [text]='model.deliveryDate | date:"fullDate" | testPipe' ></Label>
Note: Pipes do not work with
one-way to source
binding syntax.