Represents a color object. Stores all color components (alpha
(opacity), red, green, blue) in a [0..255] range.
import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import { Color } from "tns-core-modules/color";
import * as colors from "tns-core-modules/color/known-colors";
import { isKnownName } from "tns-core-modules/color/known-colors";
templateUrl: "./usage.component.html"
export class UsageComponent {
createColor() {
// Using hex values to create color;
let colorHex = new Color("#FF00CC");
let colorShortHex = new Color("#F0C");
// Creates the color with 100 alpha, 255 red, 100 green, 100 blue
let colorARGB = new Color(100, 255, 100, 100);
// Creates the color with 100 alpha, 100 red, 100 green, 100 blue
let argb = (100 << 24) | (100 << 16) | (100 << 8) | 100;
let colorSingleARGB = new Color(argb);
// Using string values to create colors
let namedColor = "orangered";
let isKnown: boolean = isKnownName(namedColor);
if (isKnown) {
let colorName = new Color(namedColor);
// Using supported known colors from tns-core-modules/color/known-colors
let colorKnownName = new Color(colors.OrangeRed);