Plugin UI Tests
User interface testing exercises your app's UI likewise your users do without any knowledge about the code base behind. It helps you see the app the same way your users will, showing any UI issues that users run into. UI testing verifies that the whole application is functioning correctly, including its UI.
The main characteristics that distinguish UI tests we will talk about in this article are two. The first is that the tests are Appium based and the second is that we will use TypeScript to write them. Considering these two distinguishing marks we have to install:
nativescript-dev-appium plugin in your demo app
npm install --save-dev nativescript-dev-appium
Appium globally
npm install -g appium
More about nativescript-dev-appium
plugin you can
find in its
documentation, but in short it depends on Appium to communicate
with device/emulator, uses
Appium JavaScript client library
and Mocha testing framework.
Before we continue, take a moment and familiarize yourself with
fore-mentioned tools unknown to you.
Test Implementation
By installing
plugin in your demo app it creates e2e
folder where
our starting point is.
├── demo
| └── app
| └── e2e
└── src
There you will find a sample testing file using Mocha "BDD" interface which is nice to begin with, but let's see some real example that we will be able to run later on. We will use NativeScript Facebook plugin's UI tests for that purpose. The location of the tests stays the same so let's take a look at them. Let's review most notable lines of code and explain them.
import { AppiumDriver, createDriver, SearchOptions } from "nativescript-dev-appium";
We start by loading our plugin's modules that will be further used to initialize our driver and provide us some helpful functions.
describe("Facebook tests", async function () { // define test suite
before(async () => {
driver = await createDriver();
driver.defaultWaitTime = 15000; //custom timeout when search an element
after(async () => {
if (isSauceRun) {
driver.sessionId().then(function (sessionId) {
console.log("Report:" + sessionId);
await driver.quit();
console.log("Driver successfully quit");
Here, we define our suite and set a custom timeout for each element to be found. The timeout setting for the whole execution is located in the mocha.opts configuration file so if needed it can be adjusted there. We use some bigger value as we run the tests in Sauce Labs and it takes a bit more time than a local execution.
Sauce Labs is a cloud-based platform for automated testing of web and mobile applications. It provides us an access to mobile emulators and simulators needed for our test execution. This way we don't have to take care of a testing environment which is great. Additionally, our testing results are public and that increases the transparency of plugin's state and how it has been tested.
Going further, two types of
Mocha hooks are
noticeable in the suite. The before
one initialize
our driver which communicates with the server and
quits it.
It is time for our tests implementation. Let's review the first test.
it("should log in via original button", async function () {
if (isAndroid) {
var userNameLabelElement = "[@text='Nativescript User']";
} else {
var loginButtonElement = "[@name='Log In']";
var continueButtonAttribute = "[@name='Continue']";
var userNameLabelElement = "[@name='Nativescript User']";
const facebookButton = await driver.findElementByAccessibilityId(FACEBOOK_BUTTON);
if (isAndroid) {
const allFields = await driver.driver.waitForElementsByClassName(driver.locators.getElementByName("textfield"), 10000);
await allFields[1].click().sendKeys(PASSWORD);
await allFields[0].click().sendKeys(USERNAME);
} else {
const passField = await driver.driver.waitForElementByClassName(driver.locators.getElementByName("securetextfield"), 10000);
const usernameField = await driver.driver.waitForElementByClassName(driver.locators.getElementByName("textfield"), 10000);
await driver.driver.hideDeviceKeyboard("Done");
if (isAndroid) {
const logInButton = await driver.findElementByClassName(driver.locators.button);
const okButton = await driver.findElementByClassName(driver.locators.button);
} else {
const logInButton = await driver.findElementByXPath("//" + driver.locators.button + loginButtonElement);
const continueButton = await driver.findElementByXPath("//" + driver.locators.button + continueButtonAttribute);
const userNameLabel = await driver.findElementByXPath("//" + driver.locators.getElementByName("label") + userNameLabelElement);
const userName = await userNameLabel.text();
expect(userName).to.equal(USER_NAME, "Not logged with the same user");
To be able to execute our tests both on Android and iOS
platforms we have to use different xpath selectors. Here comes
in handy
function from the plugin. It returns the native class of the
element depending on the platform and platform's version by
accepting as parameter the name of the element of type string.
The list of all elements can be find in
file of the plugin. The last part needed to assemble our xpath
selector is some distinguishing property so we are sure using
the right UI element. This can be obtained by using
Appium desktop app
to inspect the visual tree of our app and pick a proper one.
Once we have our UI elements selectors ready it is time for the
driver to find them in the visual tree so we can further
manipulate and assert them. It is worth mentioning that we
should use accessibility ID as a preferable selector where
, but in most cases this is not an option and we use text
, xpath
driver.findElementByXPath("//" + driver.locators.button +
or class name
In some scenarios we might need to use any of the
wd functions, for
example hideDeviceKeyboard()
. Then the
property come to help which gives us that
await driver.driver.hideDeviceKeyboard("Done");
Test Execution
It is time for the fun part - test execution. Before we get to
the command that will run our tests we will have to add the
desired configuration to our capabilities
appium.capabilities.json. By installing the plugin a default capabilities file will be
provided which can be further enriched and repositioned but more
about this in
nativescript-dev-appium's README. In our NativeScript Facebook plugin we will use two of the
defined capabilities - for Android 6.0 and iOS 10.0
emulator/simulator. These capabilities are a set of keys and
values sent to the Appium server to tell the server what kind of
automation session we are interested in starting up. For
example, if we set platformName
Appium will initiate Android session. The
full list can be find
Appium's documentation.
In order to execute the tests for those environments we will use
the command for local execution. Before that we have to navigate
to demo
NOTE: Before running the tests we have to build our app for each platform
tns build android
andtns build ios
. Additionally, we have to be sure that the same emulator and simulator described in the capabilities we use are available and running on our system.
npm run e2e -- --runType android23
npm run e2e -- --runType sim103iPhone6
As you can see, we execute a npm script
npm run e2e
that comes out-of-the-box when we
plugin. The rest of the command is just
options configuration.
Continuous Integration
NativeScript Facebook plugin is based on
nativescript-plugin-seed. Therefore, it already has .travis.yml
file which
eases our CI in Travis CI.
We will only have to add a new stage for our UI tests and tweak
it a little. In this section we will discuss only the changes
that remain to be done, but you can find more information about
the rest of the
.travis.yml file
Ensure Plugins Quality
We use Sauce Labs cloud based platform to run our UI tests at. It is free for open source projects.
There are two basic changes we have to do before the integration
becomes a reality. The first is to upload our application
package to Sauce Labs storage as our tests require it. This is
done using a curl
request in the
stage respectively for iOS and Android.
NOTE: Requests depend on
environment variables that have to be added in Travis CI in advance. You can obtain them as described in Sauce Labs documentation.
- stage: "Build"
- "curl -u $SAUCE_USER:$SAUCE_KEY -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' $ANDROID_SAUCE_STORAGE --data-binary @$ANDROID_PACKAGE_FOLDER/$ANDROID_PACKAGE"
- os: osx
- "curl -u $SAUCE_USER:$SAUCE_KEY -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' $IOS_SAUCE_STORAGE --data-binary @$IOS_PACKAGE_FOLDER/$IOS_PACKAGE"
For iOS, we have to zip any *.app
package before
uploading it to Sauce Labs storage
The second change is adding our UI tests stage.
- stage: "UI Tests"
- Android="23"
language: node_js
os: linux
node_js: "8"
- npm i -g appium
- cd demo && npm i
- travis_retry npm run e2e -- --runType android23 --sauceLab --reuseDevice --appPath $ANDROID_PACKAGE
- os: linux
- iOS="10"
language: node_js
node_js: "8"
- npm i -g appium
- cd demo && npm i
- travis_wait travis_retry npm run e2e -- --runType sim103iPhone6 --sauceLab --reuseDevice --appPath $IOS_PACKAGE
It takes care to setup two Linux machines and executes the tests in Sauce Labs using the proper command for each platform:
npm run e2e -- --runType android23 --sauceLab --reuseDevice --appPath $ANDROID_PACKAGE
npm run e2e -- --runType sim103iPhone6 --sauceLab --reuseDevice --appPath $IOS_PACKAGE