2018, March 6th: Start Testing Your NativeScript Apps Properly
The official demos of the nativescript-dev-appium plugin:
These tests demonstrate:
- template-hello-world-ts/e2e - nativescript-dev-appium basics: configurations, find strategies, locators, actions.
- template-hello-world-ng/e2e - the page object pattern with nativescript-dev-appium.
Tests used in the NativeScript Core CI
NativeScript/e2e/modal-navigation - uses "Don't keep activities", runs background (minimize/restore) app.
nativescript-angular/e2e/renderer - uses basics: locators, find strategies, assertions.
nativescript-angular/e2e/router - uses basics: locators, find strategies, assertions.
nativescript-dev-webpack/demo/AngularApp - uses data driven approach, compares element's images.
nativescript-dev-webpack/demo/JavaScriptApp - uses data driven approach, compares element's images.
nativescript-dev-webpack/demo/TypeScriptApp - uses data driven approach, compares element's images.
2018 March 6th: NativeScript Air 6 - UI Testing {N} apps with DevAppium
2017 Sept 27th: NativeScript testing with Appium @ NativeScript Developer Day Europe 2017
2017 Sept 19th: Introduction to Mobile UI Test Automation @ NativeScript Developer Day 2017